Student & Faculty Statistics:
- Average Class Size: 13 Students
- Current Enrollment: 92 Students (Pre-K through 8th Grade)
- Number of Faculty: 6 full-time teachers/ 2 part-time teachers/ 1 full-time administrator + 1 full time admin asst.
General School Information:
- School Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
- Early Dismissal Time: 11:30 a.m.
- Grades Offered: Preschool – 8th
- Child Care Offered: Extended Care (Preschool – 8th grade)
- School Colors: Maroon & Gold
- School Mascot: Eagles
Technology at St. John’s:
- All classrooms have wireless internet (Wi-Fi) access
- All classroom teachers have a laptop connected, a ceiling-mounted projector, and a document camera
- Students in Grades 5-8 are issued a laptop for use in all classes
- Students in Grades K-4 have iPads available in their classrooms for extended learning
- Technology classes are offered to all students in Grades K-8 and Computer Coding is taught to students in grades 1-8
The teachers at St. John’s:
• Strive to maintain high academic standards
• Assist parents in raising their children in a Christ-centered atmosphere
• Encourage the deployment of Christian relationships with others
• Teach love, honor, and respect for our country and for others
• Assist children in the discovery and development of their unique God-given gifts
• Provide opportunities for students to develop lifelong habits and attitudes, spiritually, physically , and emotionally
• Develop spiritual life through prayer, Bible study, and service activities