Student & Faculty Statistics:
- Average Class Size: 13 Students
- Current Enrollment: 92 Students (Pre-K through 8th Grade)
- Number of Faculty: 6 full-time teachers/ 2 part-time teachers/ 1 full-time administrator + 1 full time admin asst.
General School Information:
- School Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
- Early Dismissal Time: 11:30 a.m.
- Grades Offered: Preschool – 8th
- Child Care Offered: Extended Care (Preschool – 8th grade)
- School Colors: Maroon & Gold
- School Mascot: Eagles
Technology at St. John’s:
- All classrooms have wireless internet (Wi-Fi) access
- All classroom teachers have a laptop connected, a ceiling-mounted projector, and a document camera
- Students in Grades 5-8 are issued a laptop for use in all classes
- Students in Grades K-4 have iPads available in their classrooms for extended learning
- Technology classes are offered to all students in Grades K-8 and Computer Coding is taught to students in grades 1-8
The teachers at St. John’s:
• Strive to maintain high academic standards
• Assist parents in raising their children in a Christ-centered atmosphere
• Encourage the deployment of Christian relationships with others
• Teach love, honor, and respect for our country and for others
• Assist children in the discovery and development of their unique God-given gifts
• Provide opportunities for students to develop lifelong habits and attitudes, spiritually, physically , and emotionally
• Develop spiritual life through prayer, Bible study, and service activities
Board of Education:
The Board of Education for St. John’s is an elected representative body through which the congregation of St. John’s puts its aims and purposes into practice. The Board of Education is a policy-making board that plans and evaluates the educational programs of the preschool and day school. The main purpose of the Board is to see that the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of parents, staff, and students are guaranteed.
The Board regularly holds meetings monthly throughout the year to evaluate and discuss the school’s policies and procedures. Meetings are typically open to the families of St. John’s and requests to have time to speak at a meeting must be provided to the Chairperson of the Board a minimum of five days before the meeting. Any questions or concerns about school policy can be sent to the Chairperson throughout the year.
Chairperson: Alyssa Nett; Secretary: Abbie McGuire;
Members: Harry Smith, Steve Keinath, Kristin Martin, Amber White