St. John’s students have the option to participate in a spring music festival with other area Lutheran schools in the Greater Bay Region. Students of all ages may elect to perform a vocal solo, duet, or group selection. Students may also choose to perform an instrumental solo, duet, or small group selection; this can include their band instrument as well as piano, violin, guitar, or any musical instrument they play outside of the St. John’s band. Performances are judged and participants are awarded scores and ribbons.
CHOIR: we have two levels of student choir

Grades K-4 students are in a choir led by Grade 1/2 teacher, Alaine Massey.
Grades 5-8 students are in a choir led by Principal Brad Massey.
Each choir will sing during church services multiple times throughout the academic year.
BAND: we have two levels of student band
Grade 5 students are in “Beginning Band”; they choose an instrument & learn the basics of playing it. Grade 6-8 students are in “Advanced Band”; they continue with more advanced musical selections.
Both levels are taught by the Midland Public Schools Band teacher, Chris O’Connell and will perform in a Christmas Concert and Spring Concert at St. John’s.
Each spring, St. John’s participates in a “Music Festival” at Valley Lutheran High School in Saginaw, along with other Lutheran schools in the Great Lakes Bay Region. St. John’s bands and choirs perform musical selections and are judged on how well they perform. Individuals in Grades 5-8 may also choose to perform a solo, duet, or 3-person musical selection with either voice or instrument.
An operetta is a Bible story, performed like a Broadway musical! It includes a combination of actors, vocal solos, all children singing, and sometimes a little dancing! St. John’s performs an operetta on alternating years in a rotation with other special fairs. In spring of 2022 the children in grades K-8 performed the musical “Back to the Cross”!
Past performances have included “Spend a While on the Nile” in 2017 (story of Moses) and Rock Slinger (story of David & Goliath) in 2015. The children have an opportunity for stage performances while giving glory to God!
All students in grades 1-8 participate in a weekly art class at St. John’s, but led by a Midland public school art teacher who teaches a grade-specific curriculum. All students in K-8 also have many art projects led by their classroom teachers.
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