Family Service Hours
Our school depends heavily on family volunteers to assist in the operation of the school. Without you, there is no St. John’s Lutheran School! There are many opportunities throughout the year for families to get involved. A listing of service opportunities will be available at the secretary’s office, as well as a more immediate listing in the weekly PIN. These hours can be served at St. John’s Church and/or School. We encourage you to share your gifts and talents with your day school family. To ensure that all members of the family are contributing to it, the Board of Christian Day School has decided to institute a Family Service Hour requirement of 20 hours per school year per family. We will be tracking the number of hours that each family contributes to school service throughout this year.
Volunteer Opportunities:
This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Room/Class Parents
- School related dinners
- PTS Officers
- Driving for field trips
- Sports Coaching
- Booster activities (collecting money at the door, concessions, running the scoreboard, and keeping the scorebook at sport events)
- Assisting with Science Fair judging and set-up
- Operetta set-up and take down
- Tutors
- Lunch Helpers
- Media Center Helpers
- School Promotion Helpers
- Church Grounds Clean Up
- Harvest Dinner
- Christmas Dinner
- Sunday School and VBS
Please note that this is not an all-inclusive list. If you identify a need, please talk it over with the principal.