Getting Stronger!

Genesis 32:22-30
2 Timothy 3:14 – 4:5
Luke 18:1-8

This week at SJL, Pastor Parsons reminded us how we are made stronger through our struggles.  When facing a difficult time in our lives, when the diagnosis isn’t what we had hoped, when a friendship or relationship is tested, when we face a challenge for which we don’t feel prepared, God is by our side.  In fact, He is blessing someone and us through this struggle.

In the Psalms, David cried out to God for help many times.  In Genesis 32:22-30, Jacob’s life is changed forever when his hip is injured at the end wrestling with God.  When this happens, Jacob is told his hip has been injured as a reminder that “You were made strong with God and man through this struggle.”

God is faithful to deliver.  God promises should be repeated and used for encouragement.  In the midst of your struggle, pray the promises of God back to Him.  “Lord, you promised not to leave us.  You promised to bless us and give us hope.  You promised to give us a future.”

Lastly, remember that Jesus is praying for us.  In the same way, the Spirit intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.  When I pray for someone, I am actually praying for others in the name of and in the place of Jesus.  I am serving others and Jesus when I do this.