Posts by Jan Sleight (Page 35)

7-10-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

St. John’s Musical Director, Karen Kempin, recounts the story from the Bible where Jesus speaks with a Samaritan woman at the well.  Do you recall what questions she asks of Jesus?  (CLICK HERE to review John 4, verses 20-24).  She then poses the same question to us and replies with the same answer Jesus gave the woman at the well – NOW…

7-8-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

St. John’s Business Manager Kris Zastrow (aka the Anchorman) brings us today’s “Good News” headlines from the “St. John’s Action News Headquarters”.  Great job Kris keeping up with the headlines – but filtering out only the GOOD STUFF!  Your spirits will be lifted as you listen to the wonderful things happening around our state, our city, and our SJL community.  Click the…

7-7-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Chris Townley brings us a devotion from his yard where he speaks to us about the wonders of pine cones!  When we take a moment to look at some of the simple things in nature,  we cannot help but marvel at all God has created, how everything fits together and works so perfectly.  So after clicking the link below to listen to…

7-6-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

It’s Brad Massey’s turn for our daily devotion, and he brings us another hymn history lesson on LH 895 “Now Thank We All Our God”, a traditional Thanksgiving hymn.  If you like music, you will love this devotion. If you like history, you will love this devotion.  If you are afflicted with problems today, you will love this devotion.  If you are…

7-3-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Karen Kempin shares with us a reading from one of her devotionals “Jesus Always” – a book that reminds us that Jesus is the answer for most of our problems!  In this particular devotion, the issue of “the news” arose.  Local, state, national, and even world news can be overflowing negativity and troublesome events which are out of our control.   Click the…

7-2-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Today we are blessed to have a new voice to listen to for our daily devotion.  Mackenzie Jean-Marcoux is a member at St. John’s who is attending Concordia Chicago, studying to be a D.C.E. (Director of Christian Education).  She is home on summer vacation and agreed to create a devotion for us – and you won’t be disappointed.  She reminds us that…

7-1-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Today we get to experience the kool Kris Zastrow, sporting a Hawaiian shirt,  kool sunglasses, and a sporty red convertible!  His message pays tribute to his Aunt Joyce as he recounts her life of love and sacrifice for family.  Doesn’t that sound like the life of Jesus?  God’s sent his only Son to live and die for the forgiveness of sins, so…

6-30-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Today we are blessed to experience the talents of the Parsons family with vocal & piano accompaniment of  Hymn 878 “Abide With Me” – what a beautiful devotion for a beautiful morning!  Click the link below to listen and sing along if you wish (the words are printed below the video) …   1 Abide with me, fast falls the eventide. The…