Posts by Jan Sleight (Page 38)

6-5-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

St. John’s own Karen Kempin speaks to us from her front porch about the signs she has seen popping up around her neighborhood regarding the flood.  So WHO is responsible for all this destruction?  And can any good come from it?  As with so many questions in life, the answers can usually be found in the Bible.  Click the link below to…

6-4-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

As St. John’s Family Life Director, Anna Kruger, devotes a lot of time and effort to the youth of our congregation, both junior high (grades 6-8) and senior high (grades 9-12).  Last year there was a major remodeling of the “Youth Room”, fondly known as “The B.R.I.C.K.”, where Anna is sitting for today’s devotion.  She points out the chalkboard wall where  youth…

6-3-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

If you watch the news on TV, listen to the news on the radio, or read the news online or in the paper, you can quickly become distraught by the tragedies surroundings us.  In today’s devotion,  St. John’s Communications Guru, Jan Sleight, shares a word from Philippians 4, where the Apostle Paul gave advice on where we should focus our thoughts.  

5-30-2020 Daily Devotion BLOG

In the midst of a pandemic, and now catastrophic flooding, can we still proclaim “All is Well with My Soul”?   YES – because God is Faithful! Our daily devotions these past months have provided us many beautiful music renditions from the Parsons family, Anna on guitar, and of course, the amazing singing voice of Karen Kempin.  But today, we get to hear the other…

5-29-2020 Daily Devotion BLOG

St. John’s Music Director-Pastor’s wife, Karen Kempin, shares her story about how she saw Jesus at work through her friends and family who came to help both their family and others who were victims of the flood.  While the video appears to be missing, she is there talking to us … so just listen as she tells her story and testament to…

5-28-2020 Daily Devotion BLOG

St. John’s Family Life Director, Anna Kruger, shares a few words from the hymn “Come,Thou Fount of Every Blessing”.  Even in the midst of a pandemic and a flood, we can all find some blessings in our life.  Listen as she explains the context of the hymn … and then CLICK HERE to listen to a beautiful rendition of this familiar hymn.

5-27-2020 Daily Devotion BLOG

Pastor Parsons reviews the meaning behind “The Lord’s Supper”, and reminds everyone of the opportunities for St. John’s members to take part in a private communion during these times of social distancing.  CLICK HERE to access the sign-up genius to schedule an appointment … or just drop in to St. John’s on Wed. from 9-12 or 1-4 pm or Sat. from 9-12.

5-26-2020 Daily Devotion BLOG

Pastor Parsons shares a reading from Psalm 13 and addresses those of us who may be feeling overwhelmed with troubles of this world.  King David also felt this way, but in the end, realized that we must place our TRUST in God to carry us through,  REJOICE in His salvation, and SING to the Lord for His goodness.   After you listen to…

5-18-20 Daily Devotional BLOG

Principal Brad Massey brings us another outstanding devotion, and another stand-out joke to brighten a rainy Monday morning.  The focus is based on a parable told by Jesus in Matthew 7 about building your house on a strong foundation.  It’s a story you know, but his rendition is a great reminder …