Posts by Kris Zastrow

12-19-2020 – SJL School Devotion #16

It’s Saturday!  You know what that means, right? Let’s celebrate the birthday of our King with our wonderful and energetic Kindergarten students as they sing the toe-tapping song, “Let’s Take a Peek in the Manger”.  Click the link below to listen and remember, you can go back and listen to any devotions you have missed by clicking the back arrow at the…

11-7-2020 – Daily Devotional BLOG

“God-incidences” are the moments that happen in your life that are a little more than just coincidences.  You can see immediately that they have happened for a reason … a divine reason.  These moments can be for teaching, comfort, joy, hope, or any of the other amazing gifts that come from our Heavenly Father.  Today, “You don’t know nothing” and the message…

8-26-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Were you awakened by the storm in our area this morning?  How did it make you feel to hear the thunder, see the lightning, and witness the rain falling?  Uneasy?  A little scared?  Comforted?  Today, Kris shares with us that we can find comfort in knowing that God is in control of these storms and they only offer a small glimpse of…

8-19-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

When was the last time you celebrated being a child of God?  I mean, really celebrated!?  Cheered?!  Clapped?!!  Shouted with joy?!?  This Sunday, we have the opportunity to witness Confirmation.  What a time of joy!  A moment to celebrate!  Please join us as we CELEBRATE these young people devoting their lives to God.  And, do it along with them – devote your…