Daily Devotions & Update (Page 13)

5-6-21 Confirmation Statement of Faith #4

Our 7th & 8th grade Confirmation Students each wrote a “statement of faith”, and subsequently read it while being recorded on video.  All students’ videos are posted together and can be accessed through the website slider with the picture of confirmation banners.  But in the first 2 weeks of May, we will feature one of our 8th grade Confirmation students for our…

5-5-21 Confirmation Statement of Faith #3

Our 7th & 8th grade Confirmation Students each wrote a “statement of faith”, and subsequently read it while being recorded on video.  All students’ videos are posted together and can be accessed through the website slider with the picture of confirmation banners.  But in the first 2 weeks of May, we will feature one of our 8th grade Confirmation students for our…

5-4-21 Confirmation Statement of Faith #2

Our 7th & 8th grade Confirmation Students each wrote a “statement of faith”, and subsequently read it while being recorded on video.  All students’ videos are posted together and can be accessed through the website slider with the picture of confirmation banners.  But in the first 2 weeks of May, we will feature one of our 8th grade Confirmation students for our…

5-3-21 Confirmation Statement of Faith #1

Our 7th & 8th grade Confirmation Students each wrote a “statement of faith”, and subsequently read it while being recorded on video.  All students’ videos are posted together and can be accessed through the website slider with the picture of confirmation banners.  But in the first 2 weeks of May, we will feature one of our 8th grade Confirmation students for our…

5-1-21 Daily Devotional Blog

Hey folks – it’s May 1st – turn your calendars!  Today Pastor Josh Parsons brings us a devotion with the theme of “Pastors”.  He shares a verse from Ephesians 4, which speaks to “shepherds & evangelists” – whose job is to serve us by pointing us to Christ.  Click the link below to listen …        

4-30-21 Daily Devotional Blog

Today Pastor Josh Parsons gives us a tour of “his library” of his personal devotional materials in his office.  It is eye-opening and truly makes one appreciate all the time our Pastors put in studying the Word, preparing sermons, and gaining insights to share with “the flock”!  This devotion is a little longer but well worth 10 minutes. Click the link below…

4-24-21 Daily Devotional Blog

Family Life Director, Anna Kruger, brings us the LAST of her daily devotion from her book “Men and Women of the Bible”.  Today  we hear about the young Jeremiah, a somewhat hesitant prophet, who reminds us that God is in control of every situation!  Click the link below to listen …