Daily Devotions & Update (Page 3)

Weekly Devotional – February 17

St. John’s Senior Pastor Dan Kempin brings us our devotion for the week of February 14-19, 2022.  He gives us a preview of the upcoming sermon topics for the next 2 weeks as we enter our “Stewardship Campaign” and he reminds us that Jesus talked about money often in the Bible.  To read the congregational…

Weekly Devotional – February 2

St. John’s Music Director Karen Kempin brings us our devotion for the week of February 1-5, 2022.  She is thinking about the verse from 1 Thessalonians chapter 5, where we are instructed to “give THANKS in all circumstances”.  Even in the midst of a snowstorm, we can find things in our life to be thankful…

Weekly Devotional – January 27

Principal Brad Massey brings us our devotion for the week of January 23-29, 2022.  It is LUTHERAN SCHOOLS WEEK and he shares the Bible verse which makes up our school theme this year from Colossians 1: 15-20.   He also shares some of the activities the students of St. John’s have been doing this week to…

Weekly Devotional – January 20

Anna Kruger, St. John’s Family Life Director, brings us our devotion for the week of January 17-21, 2022 (sorry it is being posted a little late)!   She turns the camera on 2 of our Confirmation students to share their favorite Bible verses.   Click the link below to see who is starring in this message  …

Weekly Devotional – December 22

St. John’s Family Life Director, Anna Kruger, brings us our devotion this week.  She shares a message about remembering “the light of the world” and reflects on our SJL beautiful tradition of lighting candles at our Christmas Eve services.  Don’t miss your opportunity to share this joyful service at either 5, 7, or 11 pm! …

Weekly Devotional – December 18

St. John’s Senior Pastor Dan Kempin brings us our devotion this week.  During this busy week before Christmas, many of us may be baking, decorating, shopping, or getting together with family.  But he reminds us that during the hustle & bustle, we should remember to keep the CHRIST in CHRISTmas!   Click the link below to listen …

Weekly Devotional – December 2

St. John’s Family Life Director, Anna Kruger,  brings us our devotion this week.  As we begin the season of ADVENT, she shares a reading from the “Reverse Advent Calendar” devotional and asks for comments on what item you may have added to your food box!  Click the link below to listen …