Daily Devotions & Update (Page 6)

8-11-21 Daily Devotional

St. John’s Associate Pastor Josh Parsons brings us our devotions this week where he sings some of the beloved songs of our church, which are truly a devotional reading!  Today he sings hymn 752, with the very comforting words of “Be Still My Soul”.  Click the link below to listen to the beautiful words and feel free to sing along …

8-10-21 Daily Devotional

St. John’s Associate Pastor Josh Parsons brings us our devotions this week where he sings some of the beloved songs of our church.  Today he sings hymn 744 “Amazing Grace”.  Click the link below to listen to the beautiful words and feel free to sing along …

Throwback Daily Devotion for 8-4-21

This week we are featuring some of the best of July 2020 – it’s a week of MUSICAL THROWBACKS worth listening to one more time! Pastor Parsons shares a wonderful, musical message with us today in the style of another staff member.  Can you guess which one?  “Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord … I want to see you.”

Throwback Daily Devotion for 8-2-21

This week we are featuring some of the best of July 2020 – it’s a week of MUSICAL THROWBACKS worth listening to one more time! Principal Brad Massey is back with another reflection on an older hymn which you may recognize from the trombone introduction, “Take My Life and Let It Be”.  The hymn is a testament to the author’s dedication to…

Throwback Daily Devotion for 8-3-21

This week we are featuring some of the best of July 2020 – it’s a week of MUSICAL THROWBACKS worth listening to one more time! What could be better than starting the day today with a beautiful song?  How about if the song is followed by just a little bit of funny?  Today’s devotion is certain to help you relax and make…

Throwback Daily Devotion for 8-7-21

This week we are featuring some of the best of July 2020 – it’s a week of THROWBACKS worth listening to one more time! How do you feel knowing that God is watching over you at all times?  Is it comforting or disconcerting?  Are you happy or sad?  God is the same today, yesterday, and tomorrow, and we do not change Him,…

Throwback Daily Devotion for 8-6-21

This week we are featuring some of the best of July 2020 – it’s a week of MUSICAL THROWBACKS worth listening to one more time! St. John’s Musical Director, Karen Kempin, recounts the story from the Bible where Jesus speaks with a Samaritan woman at the well.  Do you recall what questions she asks of Jesus?  (CLICK HERE to review John 4,…

Throwback Daily Devotion for 8-5-21

This week we are featuring some of the best of July 2020 – it’s a week of MUSICAL THROWBACKS worth listening to one more time! Today we are treated to St. John’s Family Life Director, Anna Kruger, playing her guitar and singing the song “Jesus Paid It All”.    Click the link below and listen carefully to the meaningful words …

7-31-21 Daily Devotional

St. John’s Family Life Director, Anna Kruger, brings us our final devotion of the week with a reading from Jesus Calling.  She shares a passage from John 20: 19 which instructs us to slow down, quiet your mind, and  remember that Jesus is with us at all times!  Click the link below to listen  …