Sermons (Page 12)

What is Faith?

At SJL this weekend, Pastor Kempin asks us what we believe in.  In what do we place our faith?  The value of faith is found in the object that it trusts, not in the strength of the faith.  Wow!  Think about that.  Listen to the sermon for the explanation.  Enjoy!!

No Need to Panic

At SJL this weekend, Pastor Kempin reminds us to face all things with FAITH.  We need to spiritually prepare for life.  God is in control.  Prayer still works.  God still speaks to us through His Word, others, and even disasters.  God’s plan has been and still is for salvation.

Everything Belongs to God

At SJL this weekend, Pastor Parsons reminds us that we are stewards of all that God has given to us.  It belongs to Him, but He has asked us to manage and take care of it for Him.  Ask yourself this question … How would I treat a tool, car, or house if I borrowed…

Pastor Kempin catches a ride

You are the Light of the World

Jesus said, “I am the Light of the World.”  He also said that we are the light of the world.  He made both statements.  Jesus is the Source and we are the Light.  I am the vine and you are the branches.  They are connected.  The vine and the branch are one. Not, the gospel is…


Based on Matthew 4:12-25, Pastor Parsons reminds us that Jesus is THE ONE.  He, and only He, fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament.  We believe this today and must be prepared to share it – especially with those who do not know it already. Is being in the Word of God once each week…