Today was yet another special day here in Cambodia. The older children from Stronghold accompanied us to a Cambodia youth retreat outside of town.
This was a first for many of the children. They were bright-eyed and excited to spend the day at a Cambodian style Camp Rotary :). I can honestly tell you that riding in a van with Stronghold middle schoolers is very similar to riding in a van with ones back home! It was fun.
Pastor Kempin spoke to the children about the meaning of love, how we show it, and most importantly, Christ’s love for us. He asked the children what they would ask for if he could give them anything, one child said love, another peace, and one a big house. Pastor explained that when you know what real love is, life can be filled with joy whether you are rich or poor. Although these children are living in extreme poverty, the joy of Christ can be seen in their smiles.
Michigan Winter Youth Activities
Mary Ann, Anna, Bruce, and I interspersed activities throughout the day into this Cambodia youth retreat! One was a “guess what this is from Michigan” game. We showed
them an ice scraper, mittens, a tip-up, and hand warmers. They were fascinated by the hand warmer bags! Our last item was the snowball… fake ones of course… and we had a snowball fight under the pavilion. Anna had the idea to have a relay race writing “God is love” with mittens on.
The kids were able to write with mittens very well! Laughs all around!
Michigan Summer Youth Fun
After lunch the children were able to jump in the mangrove water and ride kayaks. It was wonderful.
So many things happened throughout the day! Today was full of God’s word, songs, food, laughter, games, swimming, and fellowship – much like the Youth Activities back at St. John’s Lutheran Church! We were truly blessed to be a part of it.Thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting us on this trip. This lady’s eyelids are starting to get quite heavy so I will share one last and very special moment. This evening our group assembled for a divine service and Confirmation of Pastor Jesse’s son Solomon. Solomon read a beautiful testimony of faith. Our God is alive in Cambodia!
Posted submitted by Julie List on Sunday, January 12, 2020
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