Posts by Jan Sleight (Page 30)

9-25-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

St. John’s Music Director, Karen Kempin shares a song this lovely Friday morning.  The theme is “Patiently Endure”. Click the link below to listen and sing along … Oh God you are my God, and I will ever praise You Oh God you are my God, and I will ever praise You I will see you in the morning and I will…

9-24-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

St. John’s Family Life Director, Anna Kruger, shares a thoughtful devotion from the book “Quiet times with Jesus”.    This particular passage provides a brief background on each of Jesus’ disciples and describes the characteristics that they are noted for.  It causes us to pause and think about how He is working our thoughts, words, and actions.  Click the link below to…

9-22-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Today Pastor Josh Parsons introduces us to a new challenge – to have 40 days of prayer prior to the November 3 Election Day!  The 40-day challenge is set to start on Thursday, September 24 and there is a document posted on our website which contains a specific prayer topic and Bible reading for each of the 40 days (you can access…

9-21-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Today devotional post comes from the back yard of Principal Brad Massey as he completes his lawn chores.  He shares a personal, somewhat embarrassing story of an “oops” moment.  But sometimes it takes a mistake to remind us of the Bible verse from Matthew 11, “Come to Me all you are are weak and heavy-laden … “.  Perhaps we could eliminate some…

9-18-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Pastor Fung, working in Thailand with the Mission of Christ Network, brings us a third and final devotion this week,   He shares a story of persecution and righteousness.  Click the link below to listen … CLICK HERE to DONATE to Pastor Fung’s Mission

9-17-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

St. John’s Senior Pastor, Dan Kempin, shares a message this morning from the empty sanctuary of St. John’s Lutheran Church.  Our devotional focus this week has been on missions, particularly the Mission of Christ Network in Thailand.  However, as we read in the mission statement of St. John’s,  “it begins with our St. John’s family and extends to the Midland Community and…

9-16-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Pastor Fung, working in Thailand with the Mission of Christ Network, brings us another devotion this week, where he focuses on Matthew 5:8.   He asks the question “How can our hearts be pure enough to see God?”  Click the link below to hear his answer … CLICK HERE to DONATE to Pastor Fung’s Mission

9-14-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Pastor Fung, working in Thailand with the Mission of Christ Network, brings us today’s devotion, where he focuses on Matthew 13:44.   “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field … ”   While it is one of the shortest parables in the Bible, it is packed with a lot of symbolism and deep meaning.  Pastor Fung tells us these few…