Posts by Jan Sleight (Page 31)

9-12-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

In today’s devotion, we have a special video message prepared for the Congregation of St. John’s Lutheran Church.  It is provided by the Rev. Fungchatou Lo, whose mission is in Thailand as part of the “Mission of Christ Network”.   Click the link below to listen … CLICK HERE to DONATE to Pastor Fung’s Mission

9-11-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

In today’s devotion, St. John’s Music Director, Karen Kempin, brings a devotion from right outside St. John’s.  She shows us the sign we all drive as we leave the parking lot, but perhaps didn’t notice or think about its meaning.  So she shares some insights (and a song) about what it means to be in our mission field.  Click the link below…

9-10-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

In today’s devotion, St. John’s Family Life Director, Anna Kruger, shares a few of the things St. John’s is “known for”.  What comes to your mind first?  Click the link below to listen and hear the things Anna calls out.  Of course, faithful listeners know the REAL MISSION of St. John’s Lutheran Church and School and the driving force behind all we…

9-7-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Happy Labor Day! In today’s devotion, Principal Brad Massey tells us ” Today is a day to recognize the contributions that workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country”.  But, he also tells us that part of our “work” includes bringing others to know Christ.  You might say this is our “MISSION”.  St. John’s is focusing all week…

9-4-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

St. John’s Music Director, Karen Kempin,  gives us another thoughtful devotion with a verse from the Gospel of Luke when Jesus was speaking with his disciples.  The lesson He taught is still relevant today and we can see how He wants us to live!  And she shares a beautiful song at the piano – it’s a great way to start a Friday…

9-3-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

St. John’s Family Life Director, Anna Kruger,  shares a memory of her mission trip to Cambodia last January.  Her devotion focuses on the passage from Jeremiah 17 which speaks about trusting in God.  She ties it all together with a cool picture from her trip where the group stands among roots of trees.  Click the link below to listen  …

9-2-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Pastor Kempin provides today’s devotion and he has an assignment for today … go to Psalm 84 and read what it says.  (CLICK HERE to access it online) And true to the words of the Psalm … we at St. John’s Lutheran do have a “lovely dwelling place”.  Click the link below to see it while you listen to Pastor’s devotion for…