Posts by Jan Sleight (Page 41)

4-22-20 Daily Devotional BLOG

Pastor Parsons shares the devotion for Wed, April 22 from his copy of “Portals of Prayer”.  Many of you use this for your personal daily devotional – but do not have the newest version for April-May-June 2020.  St. John’s has developed a plan to get this to you … listen to the devotion below and then locate the home page slider called…

4-21-20 Daily Devotional BLOG

Pastor Kempin gives us a glimpse of the flowers and trees at St. John’s during today’s devotion.   There are a few buds emerging on the trees right by the sanctuary door and it will be in full bloom soon!  And his message is from Galatians about cultivating  the “Fruits of the Spirit” – do you remember the verse?  How many “Fruits” can…

4-17-20 Daily Devotional BLOG

Our devotion this morning comes from another St. John’s staff member, Kris Zastrow.  He shares an inspiring message and is asking us to provide a comment , which of course, must be done on St. John’s Facebook page – visit it at  and locate the post for the April 17 devotion.

4-16-20 Daily Devotional BLOG

Anna Kruger shares a summary of her favorite movie and relates it to today’s Bible verse from 2 Corinthians, Chapter 4 … “But we have this ??? in jars of clay to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.”  Can you fill in the blank with the missing word?   HINT:  it requires you to hunt … listen…

4-15-20 Daily Devotional BLOG

“Peace be with you” … that is our greeting to one another at the end of our services at church.  Pastor Parsons share a beautiful Bible reading with us where Jesus spoke these words to his disciples.  Now as we meet together virtually, let us still share the peace brought by Jesus’ death and resurrection through prayer.  Pastor Parsons shares a challenge…

4-13-20 Daily Devotional BLOG

Our message this Monday after Easter comes from Pastor Parsons.  He had a few snafus while recording, but of course, those outtakes can make us smile, so they are shared here for you!  Pastor did manage to get through the devotional and it brings an encouraging message for all of us …

4-11-20 Daily Devotional BLOG

Our message this Saturday before Easter comes from St. John’s Principal, Brad Massey.  He is in the midst of a construction project at his home, and speaks to us about having to hunker down and wait – just as the disciples did on this day long ago.  But the end is in site …