Posts by Jan Sleight (Page 42)

4-10-20 Daily Devotional BLOG

Our Good Friday message comes from Karen Kempin  with a beautiful view of our St. John’s alter in the background – of course, she was all alone in the sanctuary speaking only to the camera. Her message reflects on the sad day so many years ago when Jesus suffered and died – but it is a joyful message for us!

4-3-20 Daily Devotional BLOG

Our daily devotion for this beautiful spring day comes from Pastor Josh as he like all of us, is “imprisoned” in his home – in a pink room!  He compares this situation to one of the great apostles who was also imprisoned and did wondrous things during this time.  We can learn a lot from history and he shares a great example…

4-2-20 Daily Devotional BLOG

Our daily devotion for this beautiful spring day comes from Anna Kruger.  She reads a scripture about “gardening” – something that is on the minds of many.  What will you be planting?  You know there is no way to stop the weeds from coming … but how can we choke the weeds from our hearts?  Listen to the wonderful message below to…

4-1-20 Daily Devotional BLOG

Our daily devotion for this first day of April focuses on “Praising the Lord” – and includes a Joyful Praise song from guess who? Did you guess Karen Kempin – April Fool’s – it is our former Joyful Praise Music Director, now our own Pastor Josh … he is multi-talented!  Enjoy!