Daily Devotions & Update (Page 27)

11-3-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

On this election day,  Pastor Josh Parsons shares some Biblical insight on leadership, with many verses coming from Proverbs as well as 2 Samuel. Our prayer for today is that by God’s grace, we may have a leader who rules righteously and with a fear of God.  Click the link below to listen …   

11-2-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

 In today’s devotion, Principal Brad Massey ponders the question “What is heaven?  It is the promise of that perfect relationship that we once had with God at creation”. He also shares a reading from Revelations 7, where John describes the vision that God gave to him of what heaven will be like.   What a beautiful image he gives.  And what a comfort…

10-30-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

This week’s devotions are focusing on various aspects of Martin Luther’s “Reformation”, which started on October 31, 1517.   Today  St. John’s Music Director, Karen Kempin, shares a few thoughts about singing, which was at the heart of the Reformation.  Luther was a prolific hymn writer who reinvigorated singing in the church.  Click the link below to hear the words of Psalm 98…

10-29-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

This week’s devotions are focusing on various aspects of Martin Luther’s “Reformation”, which started on October 31, 1517.   Today  St. John’s Family Life Director, Anna Kruger, explains the various parts of “Luther’s Seal”, also known as “Luther’s Rose”. Click the link below to hear about the symbolism behind this Lutheran confession of faith … 

10-28-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

This week’s devotions are focusing on various aspects of Martin Luther’s “Reformation”, which started on October 31, 1517.   Today  St. John’s Senior Pastor, Dan Kempin, speaks about another important aspect of the Reformation: the translation of the Bible from Latin into a language the people could understand. Click the link below to listen as he shares a message about how we need…

10-27-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

This week’s devotions are focusing on various aspects of Martin Luther’s “Reformation”, which started on October 31, 1517.   Today  St. John’s Associate Pastor, Josh Parsons, shares the words of Article IV in the Book of Concord, the “Augsburg Confessions”.  This is the real jewel of the Luther’s Reformation!  Click the link below to listen as he tells us the way to heaven…

10-26-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

This week’s devotions will be focusing on various aspects of Martin Luther’s “Reformation”, which started on October 31, 1517.   Today we hear St. John’s Principal, Brad Massey, give a brief explanation of one of the cornerstones of Lutheran beliefs, “Faith Alone”, from Romans 1.  Click the link below to listen and be sure to stay tuned each day this week for more…

10-23-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

 St. John’s Music Director, Karen Kempin, shares an explanation of an oft-used term in the Bible – bow.  This action is still used frequently in Asian countries and European countries with royalty to show respect.  But here in America, the practice of bowing has faded.  However, Karen reminds us that what is important is the condition of our heart – do you…

10-22-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Today Family Life Director, Anna Kruger, shares the October 22 reading from “Jesus Calling”, which focuses on JOY!  Some days joy is overflowing in our life like the sunshine, while on others it seems hidden behind the clouds.  But Anna reminds us that joy is attainable no matter the circumstances. Click the link below to listen and help find joy today …