Join Kris Zastrow today for an upbeat message based upon today’s selected Bible message from Colossians 3:12-17.
Join Kris Zastrow today for an upbeat message based upon today’s selected Bible message from Colossians 3:12-17.
St. John’s Music Director, Karen Kempin, brings us today’s devotion from “Our Sanctuary”, our place of refuge and safety. She reads from Psalm 46 which includes the word “sanctuary”. She goes on to define US as a sanctuary too. Click the link below to listen …
In today’s devotion, Anna Kruger talks about being prepared for life’s earthly adventures. But how do we prepare for our heavenly life? In the parable of the bridesmaids found in Matthew 25, Jesus speaks to the question of being prepared. Click the link below to listen and hear the answer …
In today’s devotion, Pastor Dan Kempin is chillin’ in his Sriracha shirt, and speaks about “talking to yourself”, as noted in Psalm 43:5. So if you are feeling downcast, ask yourself “WHY?”. Then look to the scripture for the truth and “Rejoice in the Lord” (that verse never gets old).
Today Pastor Josh Parsons shares a message about comfort. He reads several Bible verses with the word “comfort” in them from Isaiah and 1 Corinthians. Do you know why God provides comfort to His people? Click the link below to listen and find out …
Today Principal Brad Massey shares a message about winning and losing. He shares the story of Job in the old testament. Once he had everything, but alas, he faced great loss. In the depth of despair, we must believe God’s salvation is not dependent on our worldly success or possessions, but on keeping our faith in God’s love and forgiveness. Job found…
“God-incidences” are the moments that happen in your life that are a little more than just coincidences. You can see immediately that they have happened for a reason … a divine reason. These moments can be for teaching, comfort, joy, hope, or any of the other amazing gifts that come from our Heavenly Father. Today, “You don’t know nothing” and the message…
St. John’s Music Director, Karen Kempin, shares a reading from the devotional book “Jesus Always“. Even though this particular passage was the one dedicated to last Tuesday, election day, she has read it every day since because it is so meaningful in these times of adversity and uncertainties. Click the link below to listen and be a blessing to your day …
St. John’s Family Life Director, Anna Kruger, recorded today’s devotion in one of her favorite places – a coffee shop! She turned the camera on each of the girls who were joining her on Wednesday afternoon at Coffee Chaos for the “Girls Small Group Bible Study”. Each of them shared their favorite Bible verse which all are inspirational so perhaps one of…
On this post-election day, Pastor Dan Kempin shares a breaking news story from our sanctuary this morning … and even though our leaders have not been decided, we will rejoice and be glad in this day! Click the link below to listen …