Daily Devotions & Update (Page 32)

8-29-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Pastor Kempin shares a message from his back yard, with flowers and lush green grass and plants.  He reflects on a Bible verse from Isaiah 55 where God speaks about rain and the purpose for which he sent it. And so it is with His Word … a simple comparison that is so meaningful.  Click the link below to listen …

8-26-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Were you awakened by the storm in our area this morning?  How did it make you feel to hear the thunder, see the lightning, and witness the rain falling?  Uneasy?  A little scared?  Comforted?  Today, Kris shares with us that we can find comfort in knowing that God is in control of these storms and they only offer a small glimpse of…

8-25-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

We haven’t heard Suzanne Parsons sing for us in a few weeks – but today’s devotion provides us this pleasure.  She sings “Just As I Am” for us this morning … the words are printed below in case you would like to sing along. Just as I am, without one plea But that Thy blood was shed for me And that Thou…

8-24-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Principal Brad Massey brings his excitement about school starting as he shares the words of hymn 869,  “With The Lord Begin Your Task”.  Click the link below to listen to the tips offered by the words of this hymn about how each of us can start our day.  Brad does offer us a corny joke, but no trombone today … 

8-22-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

An entertaining movie version of the children’s fantasy book from C.S. Lewis, “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe“, was shown at the Family Fun Friday last night (8-21-20).   In today’s devotion, Pastor Dan Kempin reflects on the Chronicles of Narnia, its characters, and the theology in the Bible.  It is a thought-provoking summary about “truths to be marveled at”.  Click the…

8-21-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

St. John’s Music Director, Karen Kempin, shares some Bible verses that assure us of Jesus’ continuous care and love for us.  When you feel like “throwing in the towel”, the verse she shares from Hebrews assures us that we do not need to carry these struggles alone.  Click the link below to hear her message and a beautiful song, “He will Hold…

8-19-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

When was the last time you celebrated being a child of God?  I mean, really celebrated!?  Cheered?!  Clapped?!!  Shouted with joy?!?  This Sunday, we have the opportunity to witness Confirmation.  What a time of joy!  A moment to celebrate!  Please join us as we CELEBRATE these young people devoting their lives to God.  And, do it along with them – devote your…