Daily Devotions & Update (Page 33)

8-18-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Today Pastor Josh Parsons wanders through the empty sanctuary and displays for us the red confirmation banners which are hanging proudly from the rafters.  Please click the link below to listen to Pastor as he offers up a prayer for our nine youth who will be confirmed this Sunday, August 23, at the 10:45 am Joyful Praise worship service.

8-17-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Today Principal Brad Massey focuses his devotion on one of his favorite hymns, “Christ Be My Leader”.  This hymn is particularly suitable right now as our staff and students prepare to return to the classroom next week (on Tuesday, August 25).   Click the link below to listen as he reads the verses and provides some insight on the words.  (Sorry – no…

8-15-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Pastor Kempin  shares a devotion from his back porch  and reflects on the various times of our life, both pleasant and the less happy times.  He also follows the precedent of the last couple of devotions and chooses Psalm 31 as the basis, where it is written “You are my God.  My times are in your hands“.  We can find peace knowing…

8-14-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Karen Kempin is back at St. John’s, fresh off her emergency appendectomy surgery, but feeling well and as joyful as always.  She took the advice of Anna in yesterday’s devotion and turned to the book of Psalms for inspiration and guidance.  The one she chose was #63, written by David while in the desert of Judah, a dry & parched land.  So…

8-13-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Family Life Director Anna Kruger shares Psalm 19 with us and some of her favorite phrases from the beautiful poetry.  It speaks about “Nature”, where beauty abounds!  She also challenges all of us to find a favorite Psalm and work on memorizing it.  Click the link below as she shares her insight on these verses …

8-11-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Pastor Josh Parsons displays his musical talent once again with the song “Pledge My Head to Heaven”, by Keith Green.  This is a contemporary tune and it may be new to you so I’ve printed the words to the first verse below.  The words provide a powerful message.  Click the link below to listen as he plays and sings for us this…

8-8-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Pastor Kempin shares a recap of the Bible story that was presented at the “Family Fun Friday Water Night” on August 7.  It was the story of the disciples’ fear while in a boat when a large storm came upon them.  Don’t we all face some scary items in our life from time to time?   Well don’t forget … we have the…

8-7-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

The talented Karen Kempin is back at St. John’s in a familiar space – the piano bench!  She shares a message about anxiety and it is relevant to all of us at some point in our lives.  Here are a few poignant phrases from her message: Anxious thoughts are what we call worry Worry is when I try to take on God’s role The…