Daily Devotions & Update (Page 34)

8-5-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Prayer.  How important is it to you in your daily life?  Should it be?  Have you ever considered how important it was to Jesus?  Join me today for a message about prayer.  And, for an example of another simple prayer that you can take with you throughout your day.  God’s blessings.  

8-4-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Pastor Parsons uses Luther’s Small Catechism for today’s devotion and tells us that Martin Luther intended this as a prayer book.  If you still have a copy from your own confirmation classes, he encourages you to open to a page and find a portion to read.  If you do not have a copy of Luther’s Catechism, stop by the church and ask…

7-29-2020 – Daily Devotional BLOG

Do you ever find a lesson from God in your normal activities?  I did this morning.  The idea for today’s devotion was given to me as I was eating breakfast on the deck in my backyard.  Join me at the Chippewa Nature Center for a moment of peace and quiet and a lesson learned while listening to God in the quiet of…

7-28-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

How does a person have faith?  Is a person born a believer?  How did YOU learn about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit?  It’s likely that someone shared information with you.  Have you shared this message with others?  Today, Pastor Parsons teaches us an easy way for you to spread the message of Love.