Daily Devotions & Update (Page 35)

7-20-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Today’s Daily Devotional has a wonderful familiarity to it, but I just can’t quite figure out what it is.  Anyway, have you wondered how some of our most easily recognized hymns and songs came to be?  Follow Karen Kempin today as she tells about one of her favorite hymns and even tries out a new musical instrument.    

7-18-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Pastor Kempin gives us something to ponder in today’s devotion, which comes from Psalm 103 … how high are the heavens above the earth?  how far is the east from the west?  Well we can’t measure it, but that is how great God’s love is for us – what a comforting thought.  Click the link below to listen as he provides a…

7-17-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

St. John’s Director of Music, Karen Kempin,  brings us a touching devotion today with a  couple of old family photos.  She ponders the heritage of faith in her family and encourages all of us to leave a legacy of faith for all those who come behind us.  Click the link below to listen  …

7-16-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Anna Kruger provides today’s devotion and speaks to us about “service”.  She has with her a pair of work gloves and expresses regret over the cancellation of the senior high service event that would have been taking place.  But she notes there are opportunities to serve all around us everyday!  Click the link below to listen   …

7-15-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

St. John’s Business Manager filmed today’s devotion out at the Chippewa Nature Center, a place where one can find peace & quiet (except for the cows mooing in the background).  He brings us a story from Numbers 13 and 14 about Moses sending out 12 scouts to the promised land.  Do you remember what report they brought back?  Click the link below…

7-14-2020 Daily Devotional BLOG

Pastor Josh Parsons shares a view of his home garden and it is looking very prosperous with large plants and no weeds!  He relates the garden’s growth to the parable from Matthew 13 (CLICK HERE to read it)  where Jesus advises people where to plant their seeds.  We know, of course, that Jesus is speaking about the seeds of faith planted in…