Bible Study

Men’s Saturday BIBLE Study

Meet AT ST. JOHN’s each Saturday at 8 am for a devotion/study or various outreach opportunities.  Open to all adult men of St. John’s Lutheran Church; hosted by Al Paulsen.   Feel free to bring in your coffee and/or breakfast! B.I.B.L.E. Study = Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth

Sunday Bible Study

Our Sunday Morning Bible Study will be led by Pastor Kempin ; come to the lounge in person or click here to join on Facebook LIVE STREAM

Sunday School

Sunday School will take place between services for children age 3 through grade 12.  Everyone should meet in the sanctuary at 9:30 am for our opening and will then be dispersed to age-specific groups for lessons. CLICK HERE to access the REGISTRATION FORM  

MomCo Small Group

Calling all moms of littles! We’re starting a MomCo small group for moms of children 5 and under here at St. John’s. Join leaders Alyssa Nett and Kayla Chartier on Sundays between worship services (9:30-10:30am) to grow in faith and friendship with others in the same season of life.  The group will meet on second…

Girls Small Group

The weekly Wednesday Girls Bible Study is at Coffee Chaos … join us for a cup of coffee (or hot chocolate) and a devotion.  Designed for girls in grades 8-12.  Friends are welcome to come along, they do not need to be members of St. John’s.