Community Outreach

BackPack Buddies

CLICK HERE TO  VOLUNTEER TO HELP The Backpack Buddy Program is starting up again and will continue throughout the school year in Room 2 at St. John’s.  We are so excited about this opportunity to again provide a weekend backpack of food (food provided by the EFPN) to children who have limited access to food…

Worship Service

Monthly worship service for all  Medilodge residents!  Meets the 4th Wednesday of each month at 10:15 am.

Worship Service

Monthly worship service for all  StoryPoint Independence Village residents!

Worship Service

Monthly worship service for all  Brittany Manor residents!  Meets the 4th Thursday of each month.  

Bible Study

Monthly Bible study for all  Riverside Place residents, visitors welcome!  Takes place on the 4th Thursday of each month at 3:00 PM in the 3rd floor lounge.  

Lenten Supper

Join us each week prior to the 7 pm worship service for a  homemade meal and deserts!  Free will offerings accepted at each supper; all are welcome! 1.Wednesday, March 5 – hosted by Women of St. John’s serving Turkey Noodle Soup, Chili, pizza casserole, pulled pork sandwiches, Meat Salad sandwiches, Egg Salad sandwiches, Homemade Breads,…