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Are you or someone you know interested in becoming a member at St. John’s? Our next round of new member classes called “Who We Are” will begin in-person meeting on Monday, February 3 and continue for 6 weeks. “Who We Are” is designed for those new to St. John’s, those interested in becoming members, or…
Meeting to discuss operational issues related to building and grounds; open to public comment at beginning of meeting.
Prayers for specific individuals or families, as well as missionaries, and situations; led by Marv Tegen. All are welcome – please wear a mask!
School board meeting; open to public comment at beginning of meeting.
The 12:15 pm service will be held in-person for all SJL school children, parents, and congregational members. The 7:00 pm service will be both in person and live streamed on our Facebook page. Note: Both services will include the imposition of ashes to those wishing to receive it. Our Lenten series will be based on…
The weekly Wednesday Girls Bible Study is at Coffee Chaos … join us for a cup of coffee (or hot chocolate) and a devotion. Designed for girls in grades 8-12. Friends are welcome to come along, they do not need to be members of St. John’s.
Join us each week prior to the 7 pm worship service for a homemade meal and deserts! Free will offerings accepted at each supper; all are welcome! 1.Wednesday, March 5 – hosted by Women of St. John’s serving Turkey Noodle Soup, Chili, pizza casserole, pulled pork sandwiches, Meat Salad sandwiches, Egg Salad sandwiches, Homemade Breads,…
Designed for public-school students in grades 7 & 8; led by Pastor to teach tenets of Christian faith from Luther’s Small Catechism with goal of church membership. Sermon Report Form
The 12:15 pm service will be held in-person for all SJL school children, parents, and congregational members. The 7:00 pm service will be both in person and live streamed on our Facebook page at Note: Both services will include the imposition of ashes to those wishing to receive it. Our Lenten series will be based…
SCRIP Gift Cards are being sold in the lounge on Thursday mornings from 8:00 – 10:00 a.m (enter the building from the front doors of the church). SCRIP rebates (FREE MONEY) are transferred 4 times a year into your accounts and may be used for tuition, before & after school care, etc. Email Cheryl at…