
Lydia Guild Monthly Meeting

Lydia Guild  is open to all women of St. John’s Lutheran Church; monthly meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of the month with a special focus each month which may provide spiritual growth, service to an outside organization or benefit our St. John’s community.

Missions Board

Church “Missions Committee” meeting; open to public comment at beginning of the meeting.

P.T.S. Meeting

Monthly meeting  for officers of St. John’s Lutheran School Parent-Teacher group to plan upcoming events; all parents and teachers are welcome to attend!  

Women of St. John's Logo

Women of St. John’s Meeting

The Women of St. John’s will be discussing what the women’s organizations and committees have been doing and what our plans are for the upcoming months.  Learn how you can get involved and join in the fellowship that we all share with one another.  Please join us – open to all females of St. John’s! …

Book Club

If you love to read, you are welcome to join St. John’s book club each month where we will discuss what we learned and enjoyed about that month’s book selection.  You can choose to attend just one month for a book that interests you – or come every month. CLICK HERE for a complete listing…

Board of Elders

Church elders meeting; open to public comment at beginning of the meeting.

Women of St. John's Logo

Communications Meeting

All congregational members are invited to hear updates from elders, operations, school, and youth ministries. NOTE:  This meeting will NOT be streamed live nor recorded for later viewing. Minutes will be available at a later date.