Junior Youth

Sunday School

Sunday School will take place between services for children age 3 through grade 12.  Everyone should meet in the sanctuary at 9:30 am for our opening and will then be dispersed to age-specific groups for lessons. CLICK HERE to access the REGISTRATION FORM  

Confirmation Class

Designed for public-school students in grades 7 & 8; led by Pastor to teach tenets of Christian faith from Luther’s Small Catechism with goal of church membership. Sermon Report Form

Confirmand-Prayer Mentor Bake-Off & Board Games

Opportunity for all Confirmation students and their prayer mentor to compete with each other teams during a bake-off and board games. Eating required! We have some exciting changes this time around, starting with the category: COOKIES. Teams are asked to make their best cookie recipe. And, instead of each participant casting a vote, the winner…