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School board meeting; open to public comment at beginning of meeting.
The weekly Wednesday Girls Bible Study is at Coffee Chaos … join us for a cup of coffee (or hot chocolate) and a devotion. Designed for girls in grades 8-12. Friends are welcome to come along, they do not need to be members of St. John’s.
St. John’s and Zion Beaver have combined students in grades 7 & 8 for Varsity (A Team) Basketball. Boys play at 4:30 pm and girls will play when the boys’ game is completed.
Designed for public-school students in grades 7 & 8; led by Pastor to teach tenets of Christian faith from Luther’s Small Catechism with goal of church membership. Sermon Report Form
Open to all members of congregation; the group will play during church services several times a year. The handbell choir is directed by Laura Meier.
All students of St. John’s will kickoff the varsity basketball season with a school pep assembly, led by the cheerleaders. Join us to meet the teams, watch the cheer team perform their pom dance routine, and get fired up for Eagle Basketball!!!
Calling all moms of littles! We’re starting a MomCo small group for moms of children 5 and under here at St. John’s. Join leaders Alyssa Nett and Kayla Chartier on Sundays between worship services (9:30-10:30am) to grow in faith and friendship with others in the same season of life. The group will meet on second…
The Women of St. John’s will be discussing what the women’s organizations and committees have been doing and what our plans are for the upcoming months. Learn how you can get involved and join in the fellowship that we all share with one another. Please join us – open to all females of St. John’s! …
St. John’s and Zion Beaver have combined students in grades 7 & 8 for Varsity (A Team) Basketball. HOME GAME AT SJL: Boys play at 5 pm and girls will play when the boys’ game is completed. The CHEERLEADING SQUADS will also be cheering at both games!
If you love to read, you are welcome to join St. John’s book club each month where we will discuss what we learned and enjoyed about that month’s book selection. You can choose to attend just one month for a book that interests you – or come every month. CLICK HERE for a complete listing…